From idea to finished product. Know-how and passion turn ideas into successful products. The practiceDrivershavetogetoutofthecarwhencouplinganduncouplingallkindsofchassisinordertomakeandbreakthe connectionsbetweentruckandtrailer.Thisisdonemanuallybyhand,istime-consumingandcarriesahighriskof accidents for the driver. The problem• Risk to occupational safety • Unattractive workplace • Permanent increase in costs due to tractor and personnel use • Costs due to unproductive waiting times in the "bulk business of container handling • Unreliable process reliability/cycle • Environmental pollution due to high fuel consumption • Potential for automated handling cannot be fully exploited The solutionAUCOS-Coup - comfortable and safe chassis change directly from the driver's cab! Duetotheworldwideuniquepatentedmechanics,thesystemworksfromallapproachanglesandinrobustapplications. Operation is safe and reliable! The system also offers operators the following advantages: • Increased productivity • Fewer trucks and more trailers lead to a higher turnover rate • Time savings in coupling and uncoupling operations • Lower fuel consumption per trailer moved • Reduced environmental impact • Increased safety and prevention of accidents at work • Reduced workload and thus less stress for the driver